
Good to Meet You

All About That Photographer

I’m Jennifer and I specialize in making your child’s dreams a reality with fantasy backgrounds and costumes that create memories to last a lifetime.

I’ve experienced a lot of things in my life, from pumping water by hand to growing a garden to law school and an accounting degree. However, I have always been happiest surrounded by art work. My grandparents were award winning photographers in the 1940s and 50s. My mom shot her first wedding when she was 17 and continues to take and sell photos, particularly of Mt. Shasta, to this day. My dad gave me his old film equipment a few years ago because he said he just didn’t have the time to work on his hobby any more. So I grew up with cameras always around at every family event no matter where we were. I happily spent hours and days at the San Diego Museum of Art in the summer and loved the free concert series at the San Diego Safari Park (it was the Wild Animal Park back then). I wasn’t a beach bum but I sure loved being out in my 4 wheel drive truck in the desert!

Then I had children of my own and realized how significant a camera is in the life of a parent. You want to document everything and be able to remember the important moments when they are grown and out of the house. I was recently going through some boxes in my storage room and found images from when all my children were little. I laughed and cried and was so grateful to have those memories.

My oldest was a huge fan of Star Trek and he got to dress up as Captain Picard on a regular basis. My others are fans of Sherlock, Big Bang Theory and Downton Abbey. But they are also fond of pirates and astronauts and princesses and ninjas and they have gotten to dress up as all of those things and many more. These are some of their favorite memories – the times when their imagination got to come to life.

This is why I do what I do. I want every parent to have those memories to share with their children, to remind them of the ability they have to be magical. It’s something I think a lot of adults forget how to do and be. My hope is that with physical memories of a temporary reality, the magic to be found within each of us will remain and become our biggest blessing.


If you’d like to learn a little more about me, you can click here.