About Us

Meet the team

Nice to meet you

I’m Jennifer and while I live in Kaysville and was born in San Diego, I serve the entire Salt Lake Valley providing childhood fantasy photography.

I’ve experienced a lot of things in my life, from pumping water by hand to growing a garden to law school and an accounting degree. However, I have always been happiest surrounded by art work. My grandparents were award winning photographers in the 1940s and 50s and so I grew up with cameras always around at every family event. I happily spent hours and days at the San Diego Museum of Art in the summer and loved the free concert series at the San Diego Safari Park (it was the Wild Animal Park back then).

The Portfolio

Some of our favorite images so far.

The Blog

Our Latest News and Happenings, including tips for our clients.

Utah Childhood Fantasy Photographer

Imagine your child’s delight when their childhood fantasy becomes a reality. At Hall of Dreams Photography, we aim to create a new reality for each and every child we see. We start with you and your child, add in fun costumes and props, replace a background or two and voila! Results that will make you smile. From Disney’s Frozen, Queen Elsa goes walking on Starvation Reservoir in the winter (as shown above) to your son dressed as a ninja on the Great Wall of China, we have the ability to see imagination meet reality.